Use a castor oil pack two to four times a week you would cut four layers of flannel in shape large enough to cover your lower abdomen from the pubic hair, and over to both sides). Soak all four layers of the flannel in castor oil and apply them to the abdomen one layer at a time, one on top of the other. The flannel should be well-saturated with castor o, but not dripping. Wring out the excess. Cover the flannel layers with plastic (use a grocery bag or garbage bag) and tape in place or wrap with a cloth and pin to hold the packs in place. Then cover the plastic with a heating pad protected by slipping it into a plastic bag. Keep the castor oil pack quite warm for one hour, and the heating pad can be laid aside for the remainder of the night. Put on old clothing you don’t mind getting stained due to the castor oil leaking over the top. The clothing should not bin, but fit nicely against the ski, and should be warm. Wear the pack overnight, removing it in the morning. The same pack can be used up to three times, adding more oil as needed. The flannel layers can be hand-laundered and air-dried for reuse.
Another method of making a castor oil pack is as follows: a. Cut a piece of cotton flannel large enough to wrap all around the torso from just below the breasts to extend to the groin. The flannel should be wide enough to cover around the back as well. b. Cut a piece of substantial plastic such as a shower curtain large enough to extend past the flannel two inches on all sides. c. Get a long, thin towel large enough to cover the plastic completely. Lay it on the bed first, and then lay the plastic on the towel. d. Then wet the flannel well in castor oil. Spread the flannel on the top of the plastic. e. Lie down on the flannel and wrap the flannel around yourself first, then the plastic, then the towel. f. Pin it snugly in place with safety pins. g. Wear it all night (at least 8 hours) daily for six weeks. h. Take a two-week break and resume for six more weeks, and so on for a year.
See a blog post on Castor Oil Pack for the Colon and Liver.